“Known and unknown”: branding TEDxRainier 2014

We’re very excited to announce that Silver Fox Productions will once again provide presentation development and backstage support for this year’s TEDxRainier. TEDxRainier offers a forum for some of today’s most brilliant minds to meet together at a public event where they tell their stories and define their aspirations for physical, medical, biological, astronomical, you-name-it, advancement. This will give us another chance to work with speakers building their own unique stories.

We have also been given the opportunity to brand their theme, “Known and Unknown”. The image above represents the visual style and concept I created for this event. The theme proved to be challenging due to its reference—literally, everything and nothing. That being the case, the speakers at this event will be from different fields, some of which are unrelated aside from their connection to technology, education and design; or TED. So, I collected all the elements: imagery that represented exploration of what we do and do not know, and a reference to the organization who put this mass event together. The first image that stuck in my mind was just a dark cloud, drifting chaotically surrounded by a white negative space. I also wanted it to include a visual effect where the two contrasting elements become homogeneous as they mix, like a drop of ink in water. It was important to avoid defining the image into any specific subject, and allow it to be an abstract representation of anything.

The cloud imagery offers further exploration of the nature of knowledge itself. As the black shape transforms, the surrounding white space appears to do the same. That is to say, what we know and don’t know are not static subsets, but are always changing and influenced by each other.

The typography of the title represents the individual ideas of the known and unknown, without disjunction. “KNOWN” is bold and clear, representing the complete collection of knowledge. In contrast, “UNKNOWN” is fractured yet still legible, representing missing pieces of information or details that have not yet been brought to light. By introducing the red mark—referencing the “x” in TEDx—the two words are now locked into a single form. Ultimately, TEDx lives at this point of convergence between educators of the known and explorers of the unknown.

We are proud to be working with the TEDx team, and I look forward to seeing you at McCaw Hall November 22, 2014. To register, visit the event link here.

Art © TEDxRainier.
Mitchell Derrey
Director of Creative Services, Silver Fox Productions
Mitchell Derrey
Director of Creative Services, Silver Fox Productions

Mitchell joined Silver Fox in 2008 as a freelance Presentation Specialist where he was able to merge his passion for design and mentorship, as well as rise to a leadership position in the company. His proudest achievements have been in training new designers and providing coaching as they grow into their careers. He has traveled all over the world to support executives for some of the most well-known brands of our time. His 14+ years at Silver Fox has enriched his life both personally and professionally.

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